29 January 2013

First Post!

Welcome to my blog!

My name is Hetal and I am a 22 year old girl from Canada. After reading a ton of blogs on everything and anything, I decided to finally create my own blog. I was having a hard time deciding what my blog would be about, but who says I have to limit myself? Because I love all things artsy and crafty, I am going to use this blog to explore my creative side and share my various projects with all of you.

Nail Polish & Nail Art:
My passion for nail polish and nail art has really grown over the last year and my collection of polishes keeps growing bigger and bigger! I keep increasing the size of the box I store all my polishes in, and it somehow always fills up! I guess I don't like to see empty space and end up filling it with newer polishes. As I experiment with nail art, I shall post pictures and tutorials and review the nail polishes I use.

DIY Arts & Crafts:
Since I joined Pinterest a few ago, I have been obsessed with it! I browse for hours sometimes and have repinned hundreds of pictures! I especially love searching for fun DIY projects that I can attempt. You will probably see the occasional post with pictures on my latest project (which I mostly never finish!) I am very ambitious and take on large projects and soon get bored with them and eventually give up on finishing it. 

Thanks for reading my first post!
Follow my blog with Bloglovin

- Hetal

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