28 October 2013

Halloween Nail Art - Cute 3-Eyed Monster

Hellooooo everyone! A third post with Halloween themed nail art! Click here and here to see the other two I've done so far. For today, I have a super cute 3-eyed monster inspired by a fun decorated sugar cookie!

How adorable is he?! To create this look:

  • I started with a base of Hanging in the Balance by China Glaze. 
  • The eyes were made with essie blanc, essie the more the merrier and black acrylic paint. 
  • The light blue dots are a custom colour I created by mixing mint candy apple and where's my chauffeur by essie. 
  • I added the eyebrows, nose and mouth with white acrylic paint. 
  • And I finished off the look with essie matte top coat, matte about you!

This nail art design was inspired by THIS blog post on Halloween themed sugar cookies! Isn't her cookie just so freaking ADORABLE?! I love love love it!

Hope you enjoyed today's post! I'll be back tomorrow with more...

- Hetal


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