3 September 2014

31DC2014 - Day 03 - Yellow Nails - Colour Blocking

It's Day 03 of the 31 Day Challenge (31DC2014) and today's prompt is Yellow Nails! Yellow is another color that I don't use often but it definitely a really fun colour we wear especially in the summer.

I know I have a challenging month ahead of me and wanted to keep the nail art simple for all the colour prompts... so I created a simple colour blocking effect.

I started with 2 coats of my base colour, Mellow Yellow by piCture pOlish. I then freehanded the colour block with 1 coat of Chick Me Out by KBShimmer. I didn't use any special brushes or tools... I just tried to create the straightest line I could without applying a tape/vinyl guide. I finished off the look with 1 coat Rica top coat.

You can follow this challenge using the hashtag #31DC2014 to check out how others are interpreting the challenge prompts. I hope you enjoyed today's post and check back tomorrow for Day 04!

Click HERE to check out all my 31DC2014 blog posts or check out my Pinterest 31DC2014 Board to see a compilation of all my challenge manicures.

- Hetal


  1. What nice simple color blocking nails!

    1. Thanks Lisa... I love how it was so simple and easy to create!


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