15 September 2014

31DC2014 - Day 13 - Animal Print - Peacock Feathers

It's Day 13 of the 31 Day Challenge (31DC2014) and today's prompt is Animal Print!

I have always wanted to create peacock themed nails and I had the perfect water decals to create today's nail art! All I had to do was look for the perfect base colour to pair the feathers with... and this is what I came up with:

I started with 2 coats of Thicker Than Water by Cirque (from the Kontiki Collection). It's a beautiful colour but the base colour needed more depth which is why I added 2 coats of illusionist by piCture pOlish (from the Limited Edition Collection). Designed as a layering polish, illusionist was the perfect addition to add depth to the base. It shifts from a beautiful blue to green to pink to purple (all of which are perfect colours for a peacock) and it also has the signature piCture pOlish holo flakes which are super sparkly.

I then added a coat of fast drying top coat after which I applied the peacock feather water decals. I can't believe I have not tried water decals until now... because they are AWESOME and super easy and fast and give you amazing detail!!! Must buy more!

Even though you can't see the colour shift as well as you would when illusionist is paired with a darker base like black... it looked amazing IRL and looks pretty theme appropriate for this challenge! #31DC2014 is the hashtag to use on social media to follow everyone participating in this challenge and please check back tomorrow for Day 14!

Click HERE to check out all my 31DC2014 blog posts or check out my Pinterest 31DC2014 Board to see a compilation of all my challenge manicures.

- Hetal


  1. This is very pretty! Those peacock feather decals look awesome.

  2. I love the feathers on the beautiful polish combination!


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