22 December 2014

Guest Post by Cubbiful

Hi Everyone! While I'm away on vacation, I am super lucky to have several bloggers guest post for me! Next up is Mina from Cubbiful. She has the most colourful blog on the block!! And Mina is the sweetest, most wonderful person I have met in the nail art community! She is super supportive, encouraging and always smiling! I am so happy that she agreed to guest post for me today. Mina loves creating super colourful, happy and fun nail art looks and many of her looks are super super super cute! Let's check out what she has prepared for us today. 

Happy to bring you a special post!
Sweet Hetal is enjoying some time off (still jealous, girl ;)) and she invited me to guest post for her meanwhile.

My Life in Turquoise is such a bright place to spend some time - really, Hetal's nails are always so nice and neat, her swatches are gorgeous to look at and her nail art is the cutest!
So, I happily prepared something sweet for her:

Peppermint candy canes! 'tis the season after all ;)

I was inspired by this adorable peppermint-t nail polish: Purple Professional Wonderland. It's cute and it covers in two charming coats without any hassle.

I then freehanded the peppermint canes, with red and white acrylic paint and my detail nail art brush. Though not perfect, they still look quite nice, don't you think?

I hope you like these, Hetal, dear and thank you for this special invitation - much appreciated, hun.
Have a great time in India (you lucky, lucky girl ;)).

For those of you who didn't know me, if you liked what you saw, join me at Cubbiful, over on Facebook or via Instagram :)

See you there!

Hugs & Kissies,

I absolutely love this look Mina! It is so festive, fun, happy and just so cute! It is so perfect for this time of the year and I love Mina's freehand skills!!! Thank you so much Mina for preparing this amazing guest post for my blog! 

Let's show Cubbiful some love on social media. You can find Mina on FacebookBloglovinInstagram and Pinterest. And don't forget to stop by her blog for super happy and colourful nail art looks!

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  1. Those candy canes are so cute!

  2. What a beautiful manicure! That base polish is absolutely gorgeous. :)

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